Swiping views using Android Tab Layout with swipe-able Fragments is the easiest and fastest way to switch views. Many famous apps like WhatsApp use Tab Layout to switch between calls, messages, and statuses. Android Material Design library provides a Tab Layout widget. In this tutorial, we will learn to develop…
JSON parsing is a key component in android application development. We can parse JSON data using different third-party libraries like loops, retrofit, and volley. In this tutorial, we…
ExpandableListView is used to display data in groups. These groups are expanded to show their children. For this kind of listview, we use ExpandableAdapter. We can expand…
Custom ListView is the backbone of android application development. When it comes to showing multiple items like images, text and buttons we must need customized solution. Custom ListView…
ListView is an important component of android app development so understanding using ListViews is a compulsory skill. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use Simple ListView…