Freelancing is an increasingly popular and competitive career choice that is on the rise. The reason why freelancing is such a desirable career option is because of the potential for freelance income.Due to the high competition, there are some important things that should be considered to stand out in freelancing.…
In freelancing, it is difficult to get your first clients. It doesn’t matter which freelancing platform you are using to get the freelancing jobs but still, you have to two faces the problem of getting the first few freelancing clients.There are a variety of reasons for this, but the most…
Freelancing is a kind of job that frees people from following the 9 pm to 5 pm job routine as well as makes them eligible to earn free and limitless. Therefore nowadays everyone is want to do freelance work.Generally, freelancing seems easy to do but in reality there are a…
In application development, Model View Presenter is one of the design patterns. In the MVP design pattern, Presenter manages all the communication between View and Model. Just as discussed earlier in the MVVM tutorial, where View Model acts as Presenter. Model View Presenter MVP Design pattern Components: As shown in the MVP diagram, each component…
Switch between View Controllers is one of the basic and important part of almost every application. In this tutorial, you will learn to switch between View Controllers programmatically. Before getting started, you need to have a basic idea of ios development and layout design. We will go step by step…
At a professional stage of application development, each developer follows a design pattern to write code. The reason to follow the design pattern is to keep the application code simple and easy to understand. Above all, a good design pattern improves the performance of our applications and makes them more…
In the View Binding tutorial, we were limited to bind views of a layout file to the activity class to get rid of FindViewById(). However, Data Binding allows us to bind UI elements directly with the data source in the XML file itself. Moreover, it allows us to bind ClickListeners and…
As android developers, we use FindViewById() in our Activity and Fragment. It is important to access every view in the layout.xml file to our activity class. As a result, this added a lot of code in our activity class. Moreover, it causes our class to become more complex and difficult to maintain. Therefore, view…
Checkbox Unchecked: It’s a common problem with beginners in android application development once they implement a checkbox in ListView that automatically gets unchecked while scrolling. In this tutorial, we will learn how to avoid this problem. We will implement a custom adapter with a custom row having checkboxes and titles.…
Social logins in mobile applications are the quickest way to log in/signup. In this tutorial, we will learn how to implement Facebook login inside an android application using a custom login button. Facebook provides its own login button using Facebook SDK but we need to do that using a custom…