In application development, Model View Presenter is one of the design patterns. In the MVP design pattern, Presenter manages all the communication between View and Model. Just as discussed earlier in the MVVM tutorial, where View Model acts as Presenter. Model View Presenter MVP Design pattern Components: As shown in the MVP diagram, each component…
Switch between View Controllers is one of the basic and important part of almost every application. In this tutorial, you will learn to switch between View Controllers programmatically. Before getting started, you need to have a basic idea of ios development and layout design. We will go step by step…
In the View Binding tutorial, we were limited to bind views of a layout file to the activity class to get rid of FindViewById(). However, Data Binding allows us to bind UI elements directly with the data source in the XML file itself. Moreover, it allows us to bind ClickListeners and…
As android developers, we use FindViewById() in our Activity and Fragment. It is important to access every view in the layout.xml file to our activity class. As a result, this added a lot of code in our activity class. Moreover, it causes our class to become more complex and difficult to maintain. Therefore, view…